Ballad of the Ships

Fear, of not having my feelings reciprocated,

Threatened to brand me - for everyone to see

On the stamp would be the rejection

That I might have to face.

I was about to cave in,

Be the inconspicuous admirer, from afar,

But, this time,

Something else pushed me forward.

I tore the sails,

And let the sea toss me into the tempest.

I held on to your hand in the tempest,

Scared that even the slightest turn would tear us apart,

But there you were,

Sturdy as ever, sure of the sea.

Rebuilding my ship, which was now ours.

Time passed, and uncertainty turned to hope,

Of being loved back.

So, I walked onto the deck one night, 

With my heart in a glass jar, tensed , but , also hopeful

And you turned back,

Offering me yours.

Giggles, blushes and rolling eyes followed.

Almost a year later, I can proudly say,

Love, I am glad I took our path.


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